Much of what we experience, much of what we do, much of what motivates us is beyond our conscious awareness. Psychotherapy can help you understand yourself. Understanding yourself is an essential step along the road to change. It gives you the wisdom and the courage to make effective life choices.
The Form
For individual therapy, we will meet weekly for 45 minute sessions. If you are interested in working at a quicker and more intense pace, you can have multiple individual sessions in a week. Another extremely effective combination is to do both individual and group psychotherapy. We can explore whether any of these more intensive treatments is appropriate for you.
The Substance
You will be encouraged to talk as openly as you can about your concerns and feelings. This will include feelings that you may be having about me – or the therapy process in general. You can discuss current concerns and/or distressful situations from the past. Therapy is hard, serious work. Oftentimes it is very reassuring to have someone listen and understand. It can be a tremendous relief to start discussing thoughts and feelings which have been burdensome. It can feel exhilarating to gain insights and clarity about yourself. At other times it may be painful, embarrassing or scary. It can feel risky and sometimes exquisitely shameful to reveal oneself to another person. I can help support you and make the therapeutic process more comfortable and productive. Together we will look honestly and fully at your conflicts, strengths, relationships and experiences – in a manner that is gentle, yet steadfast; warm, yet serious; and attentive to you in all your individual complexity.